Solving Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Snapshot

I struggled with iron deficiency anemia for the majority of my life. Doctors repeatedly prescribed me iron supplements (and all the related ones like ferritin, etc). Not only were they unsuccessful in raising my iron levels, but I experienced many negative side effects, such as blood clotting, nausea, loss of feeling in extremities, faintness, and immobility. It took me 20 years of failed efforts, bouts of hopelessness, and the support of a really good friend to finally take my health into my own hands. My every-three-month blood work came back with the lowest iron levels I had ever had and I knew it was time for a major change.
After some deep research (into scholarly journals, research publications, and case studies) I had determined that I needed to drastically alter my diet. My research revealed to me the possibility that anti-nutrients in certain foods might be inhibiting iron absorption. Phytic acid (phytates), polyphenols, tannins, and oxalates are some of the anti-nutrients that I previously was consuming in high quantities while eating what I thought was a 'healthy diet'. These anti-nutrients are found in grains, nuts, legumes, dairy, coffee/tea, and select fruits and vegetables. So in a desperate last effort to combat iron deficiency I drastically altered my diet. I cut out all grains, nuts, legumes, dairy, and some fruits and veggies. I switched to half-caff coffee and limited it and eggs to right when I woke up. I ensured that I ate "perfect iron meals" (as I've started calling them) at least twice per day. I ate venison and beef every single day and occasionally took an all natural beef liver supplement.
Three months after beginning this new diet my iron levels were tested again, but now they were in the normal range for the first time in nearly 20 years. I could barely believe it and couldn't have been happier! My doctor came in and said to me, "Looks like the supplements finally worked!" I responded by telling him that I had discontinued use of the Ferrex and the ferrous sulfate he had prescribed. He seemed stunned to hear that I had corrected my iron levels through diet. He sent me on my merry way and I scheduled my next blood draw (which I will update on in mid January). I sent this side-by-side picture of my pre-diet and post-diet blood work results to my friends and family, then the congratulations came rushing in. All the research, the hard-work adjusting my diet, and the fortitude it took to stick with it had paid off! So I will be sticking with this new lifestyle and want to begin sharing it with others. No one should be in pain every day, be too fatigued to function, or feel mentally unfit to achieve their goals... especially as a result of a curable deficiency. I hope to share my research and my journey as a tool to help others overcome their malnutrition and feel well enough to achieve great things!

iron deficiency anemia blood work results improved
Iron Blood Work - Before (below) & After (above) My 'Iron Safe Diet'


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